Mobile Counter Pro - 3G, WIFI APK v3.6
Requirements: Android 2.1 and up
Overview: Application to number system movement (GSM/CDMA/WIFI)
Portable Counter(3g, Wifi, system movement) - application to number system information GSM/CDMA/WIFI
Dialects help: German, English, Polish,slovak, Chinese, Romanian, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian, Czech
Estimation sorts:
- Standard counting(default)
- Enable/Disable adjusting in squares (e.g to 100kb for session)
- Enable/Disable independently round cordial and approaching exchange to square of information
- Disable couting outgoing(sent) exchange
Sample count without squares:
Got 134 KB, sent 455 KB –> Will be spared 134+455=589 KB
Sample count with squares of information:
Fundamental transporter unit (square of information): 100 KB
At the point when debilitate independently adjusting:
Got 134 KB, sent 455 KB –> after debilitate versatile system in your telephone will be spared: 134+455=589 (round to 600 KB)->600 KB
At the point when empower independently adjusting friendly and approaching information (you need to empower independently rouning in application alternatives):
Got 134 KB, sent 455 KB –> after handicap portable system in your telephone will be spared: 134 (round to 200 Kb)+455 (round to 500 Kb)=700 KB
Comparable application to 3g guard dog, netcounter, nettraffic, system activity,
Application without ADS and free of charge. Expanded usefulness has been included for clients who give application.
You choose how worth/helpful this application is for you, and so you can give with quality you need
New usefulness for clients who give application:
- More gadgets 2x1( exchange points of confinement,wifi, charging period)
- More gadgets 1x1(WIFI,gsm, exchange points of confinement, charging period)
- New styles for warning bar (farthest point exchange, portable GSM/CDMA, charging period)
- Transfer utilized by application (req. android>2.1)
- Export/Import information to SD card
- Billing period estimation
- Option to not including sent exchange
- Option to set cautions when exchange restrain short of what ... (in MB) will terminate in ... (days)
- Option to empower vibration when exchange utmost will be surpassed
- Option to set first day in week (Sunday,Saturday, Monday)
- Show application symbol in warning just when empower GSM/CDMA/WIFI
- Set lapse period in weeks, days, months
- Option to check independently exchange for one WIFI SSID e.g to tally hotspot activity
- New facts (for charging period, WIFI SSID)
- Option to include not utilized exchange from last period to next
Required consents:
android.permission.access_wifi_state - to check if WIFI is empower/incapacitate
android.permission.access_network_state - to check if GSM is empower/incapacitate
android.permission.write_external_storage - to spare sent out exchange to SD card
android.permission.read_phone_state - to peruse (id_device is require to create one of a kind enactment code for developed usefulness for client who give application)
android.permission.vibrate - to empower vibration when exchange cutoff will be surpassed (nonobligatory in settings)
No authorizations to system, so application doesn't send any data from telephone.
If its not too much trouble check if GSM/CDMA/WIFI works for you on your telephone before give.
- bug settling related with gadget invigo
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