The Gatekeeper's Oath APK v.3329
Requirements: 3.0+
Overview:Spellcaster: The Gatekeeper's Oath is an intuitive dream novel set in Suidemor, where threat hides around every corner. Fathom riddles and give enchantment a role as you hunt down King Othirom to discharge him from the Forgotten Spell.

Mulling behind the towering dividers of his château, King Othirom has been thrown under the Forgotten Spell. The entryways to the manor have been bolted for a long time and the guards have since a long time ago left their posts and renounced contact with the outside world. Could you open the surrendered stronghold doors while staying away from catch by the risky Olcrada?


• All new spells to ace! Gotten to be undetectable, ensure yourself, and correspond with the spirits!

• Uncover intimations and comprehend remarkable riddles to help Suidemor's inhabitants.
• Wondrous new outlines from Tony Hough to find!
• Combat the components themselves in your journey to protect your dad!

• Achievements to discover all through the gamebook as you play.

The Gatekeeper's Oath has been made utilizing Tin Man Games' discriminatingly acclaimed Gamebook Adventures Engine emphasizing:

• Read the book on a level plane or vertically on your tablet.
• Delve deeper into the city of Suidemor, new including the city's evil penitentiary.
• A mechanized Adventure Sheet to stay informed concerning details and stock.

• Artwork display. Find a representation in the gamebook and have the capacity to get to it full-screen until the end of time.

• Bookmarking framework which spares your position in the gamebook, and much like putting your fingers between the pages to recollect your past page when perusing the soft cover!

• Specially created soundt
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