YouTube AdAway APK v2.4.0
Requirements: 4.0+, root, xposed
Overview: This is a basic Xposed module to help you dispose of YouTube advertisements and marking layers.
YouTube AdAway is a Xposed Framework module that evacuates nation confinements, marking layers, channel logos, feature recommendations, and publicizing flags from the introduced YouTube application, abandoning you with a feature stream free of limitations, promoting, and popups.
As the Xposed module obliges establish with a specific end goal to capacity, this module will just take a shot at an established gadget.
There are possibilities for whether you need to piece advertisements or simply evacuate nation confinements, which you may need to consider when utilizing this. Albeit blocking promotions does sound perfect, recall that its taking cash out of the pockets of whoever posted that feature you're so intrigued by viewing.
What's in:
- Remove YouTube Ads
- Remove features proposals
- Remove Channel Logo
Step by step instructions to Install:
- Install Xposed Installer App
- Install YouTube AdAway App (joined)
- Install Xposed system through Xposed Installer
- Open Xposed Installer App and empower my App on the modules list
- Reboot
- Reboot is a MUST in the wake of upgrading YouTube App or my App
- This application is NOT an adjusted YouTube App
- You won't get any (signature) issues on the off chance that you upgrade your authority YouTube App
- If you get any issues playing YouTube features you can simply uninstall my App or debilitate it on the Xposed modules list
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